Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finnaly, my registration was i can send posting anymore. Seneng juga...blogspot sudah di beli google toh. Ketinggalan jaman saya nich.

Saya sudah kirim lamaran buat NEC mudah-mudahan berhasil..berhasil. By the way sudah dua aplikasi ku kirim buat dapatin scholarship. September deadline buat yang satu lagi....ini harus kerja keras nich. Test dua kali biar nilainya bagus...maksimal agustus harus sudah kelar semuanya.. jadi bisa langsung di kirim. Mamah sayang, ade sayang doain yach usaha papah. Wach ternyata hidup itu memang selalu ada challenge2 terus. And i will never surrender.

N. Ali Akbar/Male/26. Lives in Indonesia/west java/bandung, speaks Indonesian and English. Eye color is black. I am average looking. I am also ambitious. My interests are shorinji kempo/reading.
This is my blogchalk:
Indonesia, west java, bandung, Indonesian, English, N. Ali Akbar, Male, 26, shorinji kempo, reading.

My Feel today: The current mood of n3ndy at

Brown Belt WSKO (World Shorinji Kempo Organization)

"If all the trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven more seas to replenish it (with ink), the Words of Allah would never end. Allah is the Almighty, the Wise" (QS Lukman : 27)

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